I know this post is long over due, but I'm back at it!
I wanted to write this quick post this week before I get back to my usual makeup and beauty related topics.
I am back to posting regularly on Sundays again - starting today. This is my first post of April and certainly not my last.
I'm sorry I fell off the face of the planet for the month of March. Right after I published my last post, shit started to hit the fan (for lack of a better phrase). March has certainly been the most trying month of 2016 so far. I have had ups and downs in my personal life, as well as dealing with work. This month, my place of employment implemented mandatory overtime. So I was constantly working and frankly, just too physically and emotionally exhausted to do much of anything else.
Towards the end of the month events started improving. I was pulling myself out of my funk and working on better myself. This will continue for the foreseeable future. However, that's enough about my personal struggles - the important thing is that I am back to blogging weekly.
If there is one this that I have learned this month, it's that even when you are exhausted, and even when you don't have a job you love, and even when you are struggling you need to make time for the things you love to do. I love writing. I love writing on this blog. Yes, I needed some time off and to myself. But I also wasn't writing at all and that made me feel not like myself.
So, moral of the story - just stick to what you love - even if for the time being it's a hobby. There shouldn't be any other month long breaks. I was very proud of how often and regularly I was posting. I don't plan on disappointing myself like that again. Keep and eye on this space as my next post will be live next Sunday!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.