Hello lovelies! Over the past few weeks I went into Sherlock mode trying to get my hands on this palette (and I feel like Lemon...

Hello lovelies!

Over the past few weeks I went into Sherlock mode trying to get my hands on this palette (and I feel like Lemony Snicket from the title of this post #alltheliteraryreferences). So let me take you back to the beginning of my Sweet Peach obsession.

Once upon a time, I was wasting time on Pinterest. I came across an image of this palette with a few other product (the PB&J Palette included). I thought this was a joke - well maybe not a joke, but that someone created this image for wishful thinking that Too Faced would see their ideas and want to make them. Low and behold, it was announced that these products were in fact being released. 

I was determined to obtain the Sweet Peach Palette. So I bided my time. It was announced that the palette would be on sale on the Too Faced website - later to be released on Sephora and Ulta websites and then in stores. The interwebs went nuts. The palette sold out on Too Faced's website. After a second restock, it sold out again. Too Faced then announced that it would not be restocking. I did not attempt to purchase the palette on the brand's website, rather I decided to wait until it was available in stores.

At some point the palette went on sale on Ulta's website (I wasn't paying much attention at the time and missed it). It was sold out. But it was listed as being released in stores on April 7th. In the meantime, the palette was on Sephora's website but you could not purchase it - it was listed as being available in stores on April 15th.

After work on April 7th, I went to my local Ulta. I was told that they never received the palettes on that shipment that day (I now wonder if they received them prior and sold them before they were supposed to).  I then made a trek out to a different Ulta - they were sold out. I checked the Sephora in that city - they had sold out (even though the palette should not have been on sale for four more days). I checked my local Sephora - they were sold out. I put my name on the lists at my local Sephora and Ulta to be called when it came back in stock. I have yet to receive a call. 

I checked my local Ulta once more. They told me they would be getting a shipment the next day, but they did not know what products were being restocked. So the next day I called - the girl only told me they didn't receive any after I told her my name was on the list and what my name was (I'm cynical enough to believe that the amount of palettes they restocked was only enough for some of the people above me on the list). At some point I had checked the Ulta website again - it was no where to be found. The listing for the product had been removed. The same thing happened a few days later on the Sephora website.

This weekend, I went to Connecticut with my mom - we were going to Ikea since there isn't one by me. There was nothing in the store I checked in Connecticut. On my way home I stopped in my college town to check there. 

I walked into Sephora and straight to the Too Faced display. There wasn't even a palette on display. I found the closest associate I could find and asked if they had any available - mentally trying to compel her to say yes. The second she said they had one left I immediately asked for it. She said I could just ask someone at the till for it. I don't think I've ever traversed a 10 ft space so quickly.

As I got to the register and asked the cashier for the palette my heart dropped when he said he thought they were sold out (there were two directly behind him on the table in my line of vision). But alas I was able to purchase the Sweet Peach palette. It only took multiple phone calls, several trips to multiple stores, and a trip out of state. 

This story begs the question: what lengths have you gone to, to obtain a product you want?

- K

Hello all! Welcome back to my blog! Today I thought, in honor of being on vacation with no plans to go anywhere, I'd talk about the t...

Hello all!
Welcome back to my blog! Today I thought, in honor of being on vacation with no plans to go anywhere, I'd talk about the top five places I want to visit! I want to travel the world - I hate the idea of being stuck in one place. But I thought I'd just talk about the five places I'm dying to visit most at present (ask me tomorrow and they may change).

5. London/United Kingdom
London and the entire United Kingdom has long been my favorite place in the world. I don't know what it is but I am obsessed with all things British. When I was 20, I had the opportunity to live in London for 3 months. Let me tell you, it was the most difficult thing I've ever done - I was by myself. But it was the best 3 months of my life. If I could live in London, or anywhere in the United Kingdom for that matter, I would be content. I have already been here, but my love for this country has not diminished which is why it made it onto this list today.

4. Australia
Gap Year
 I don't know what it is about Australia - maybe I just have a desire to travel to places that speak English (I do not have an affinity for learning languages). Australia has just always been in the back of my head as a place to visit. There are several items on my bucket list that I could cross off after visiting this country: Climb the Sydney Harbor Bidge, Bungee Jumping, scuba dive at the Great Barrier Reef (just to name a few).

3. South Africa
Truly Experiences
 When I think of South Africa I think of nature and animals and complete and utter beauty. In my mind it is the stark opposite of America - a county of consumerism. I not saying that the picture in my head is 100% accurate by any means. But when I think of a place such as South Africa to travel to, I think of unplugging myself from my world that is so filled with technology (that is until I plug back in to post all the pictures - if I hypothetically went).  I feel a sense of adventure when I think of this locale - more so than just the thought that traveling already incites.

2. Greece (Santorini)
Vault Blog Couture
 I think the picture above says it all. The beauty and contrast between the white of the buildings and the blue of the sea is insurmountable. It could be the color scheme, but for me I think Greece would be the epitome of relaxation. I can just picture myself lounging and strolling along the streets of Greece and truly enjoying life - without going on an extreme adventure. I think here I could thoroughly enjoy doing nothing.

1. Thailand
Going Nomadic

BBC Good Food
 Ahhh, my number one. The main reason for Thailand being top on my list of places I want to travel is mainly the elephants. Elephants are my favorite animals and there are elephant sanctuaries in Thailand. I would love to visit one and hang out with elephants. In doing research about Thailand, I was astounded by the sheer beauty of it. Everything is so bright and vibrant - a stark contrast to my life in Central New York (especially in the winter). Even just looking at these images, I do not have a care in the world. 

So there you have it - my top five travel destinations. Most of these may not seem like they have an exact rhyme or reason, and they don't. I picked these locations purely because I want to travel to them. I want to visit them just to explore the world - and I don't think you should ever have to justify your travel decisions. Next year I want to plan a trip to one of these places. Next year: because this year is already shot to hell (the struggle of having to pick vacation time on a whim is December. PS have I mentioned the job part of adulthood is not fun). My only set back is that I do not have anyone to travel with, but I'll figure it out. Let me know in the comments what some of the places in the world are that you are dying to visit. 

- K

Hello lovelies. I know this post is long over due, but I'm back at it! I wanted to write this quick post this week before I get...

Hello lovelies.

I know this post is long over due, but I'm back at it!

I wanted to write this quick post this week before I get back to my usual makeup and beauty related topics.
I am back to posting regularly on Sundays again - starting today. This is my first post of April and certainly not my last. 

I'm sorry I fell off the face of the planet for the month of March. Right after I published my last post, shit started to hit the fan (for lack of a better phrase). March has certainly been the most trying month of 2016 so far. I have had ups and downs in my personal life, as well as dealing with work. This month, my place of employment implemented mandatory overtime. So I was constantly working and frankly, just too physically and emotionally exhausted to do much of anything else.

Towards the end of the month events started improving. I was pulling myself out of my funk and working on better myself. This will continue for the foreseeable future. However, that's enough about my personal struggles - the important thing is that I am back to blogging weekly. 

If there is one this that I have learned this month, it's that even when you are exhausted, and even when you don't have a job you love, and even when you are struggling you need to make time for the things you love to do. I love writing. I love writing on this blog. Yes, I needed some time off and to myself. But I also wasn't writing at all and that made me feel not like myself. 

So, moral of the story - just stick to what you love - even if for the time being it's a hobby. There shouldn't be any other month long breaks. I was very proud of how often and regularly I was posting. I don't plan on disappointing myself like that again. Keep and eye on this space as my next post will be live next Sunday!

- K

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