Today I thought I'd write more of a chatty post. So just for the heck of it I thought I'd examine my slight obsession to makeup.
The above picture is just some of my recent makeup purchases (including my monthly Ipsy bag).
My name is Kristin and I am a makeup addict. I think I have hit my rock bottom (cue the Hailee Steinfeld track). Let's take this back to the beginning.
I was never a particularly girly-girl. During high school I genuinely couldn't care less about makeup. I had my drugstore makeup in my target makeup case. All was well. Around 2013 is when everything took a turn. I started watching makeup YouTube videos. My resolve was strong. I didn't buy into the hype of high end makeup - I couldn't fathom how one could spend so much on makeup. It was the beginning of 2015 - January to be exact - that I caved. I asked for the Naked2 palette for my birthday. After that, I started going to Sephora but just for Soap and Glory products. I had my Naked2 palette and my Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Gloss Stick (which is technically a drugstore brand in the UK). The rest of my makeup was still my good ol' fashioned drugstore brands.
As the year progressed I kept looking into more name brands. I held out (probably because I was a broke college student). When I got my tax refund check in May, I took my booty to Ulta and bought a couple Tarte products. Once I started my "big girl" job, as I call it, all hope was lost. I finally had an income. I could buy what I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I still put money away in savings every paycheck. But the amount of makeup I have accumulated in the last year (maybe it's a better estimate to say 9 months) is disgusting, but I love it.
Now sometimes I ask myself - Kristin, why do you spend so much money on makeup that you don't even wear everyday? Yes, it is true that more often than not I do not wear makeup. If there's something I love more than makeup, it's sleep. My sleep is a valuable thing on work mornings. As far as my answer, I just do. I don't have a rhyme or reason. I just love makeup (My 13 year old self would be shocked to read that sentence right now).
I think the saddest part of my makeup obsession is that most of my makeup - including all of the makeup in the above picture - is stored in boxes. I order makeup and store it in the boxes it comes in. I will use them, but then back in the box they go. I just have no storage space for my makeup. There are several Ikea pieces (I know, typical) that I have my eye on. Sadly, the closest Ikea is about three and a half hours away. And I refuse to pay $350 dollars for shipping. I am planning a trip to Ikea, but that's in a couple of months. For now a box shall remain the home for my makeup.
If you find yourself in the same situation let me know, or if you have any storage suggestions!
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