Figuring out life seems to be a fictional construct of what somewhat functioning young adults should be doing. However, despite spending the...

Figuring Out Life

Figuring out life seems to be a fictional construct of what somewhat functioning young adults should be doing. However, despite spending the past several years and an excruciatingly large amount of time in the last two months attempting to achieve this, I have come to the conclusion that it is indeed fictional. Does anyone actually figure life out? Does anyone actually have a set plan that *gasp* actually goes according to plan? No. It seems that humans just kind of hang on for dear life, make a decision, and hope that it isn't a huge mistake later down the road.

In the past two months I have: graduated from university, started an actual adult job, started paying into a 401k, signed up for insurance, and decided that I do not wish to continue living in my hometown. Don't get me wrong, my hometown has its perks (like living rent free at my parents' house). It has its charm and quirks. However, the thought of building a life here sucks all of the air from my lungs. I am the person that always changes her mind about what she wants to be and where she wants to live. But through all of my indecision, one place is always reoccurring: London.

When I was in university, I studied in London for a semester. I fell in love. Never in my life have I felt so alive. Don't get me wrong, I had my moments of homesickness. In fact I was homesick a lot. But just for my friends and family to be in London with me. I craved companionship when I was there. I couldn't believe a place with so much history and culture existed right under my feet. There are so many museums, and things to see, and foods to eat.

Recently, I decided that London was my ultimate destination. London was the extent of figuring out life. I felt revived. It was incredible to have a goal again. I have found that it is very easy to get in a rut and be complacent when you're living in the real world. This probably is not new information to many people.

So at this point in my life, at 22 1/2 years old, my extent to figuring out life is that I want to live in London and I want to travel the world. I don't want to be complacent. Ever.

What have you figured out about life? Where do you want to live? What do you want to be? Life is going to change as you grow, but what you want right now, right at this precise moment of your existence is important.

- K

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