Hello friends! I am Kristin and the proud owner of the blog you are currently viewing. I figured just to get everyone acquainted, for my fi...



Hello friends! I am Kristin and the proud owner of the blog you are currently viewing. I figured just to get everyone acquainted, for my first post I would tell you all a little bit about myself.

1.) I am currently finishing my fall semester of my senior year at university.
2.) I am an aspiring writer (in case you couldn't tell from my blog title).
3.) I have decided to finally take my life and turn it into exactly what I want it to be. I realize I am starting this a few weeks before New Years, but you know what they say! Good things come to those who WORK. Basically this means I am implementing lots and lots of changes into my life.
4.) My favorite time of year is November and December because fall and winter and Christmas and Thanksgiving.
5.) Books man, books. (I am running out of room for my book habit.)
6.) I am a huge nerd. I quite like being a nerd to. It's like wearing a badge that allows you to be un-apologetically passionate and enthusiastic about things. As John Green says, "When people call people nerds, mostly what they are saying is 'you like stuff,' which is not a good insult at all. Like, 'you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness.'"
6.) Not only do I love all things written, or acted, or basically any kind of artistic expression, I also love fashion, and beauty, and makeup. So, just a warning, you may come across posts of that nature in the future.

So, those are just a few things about myself. Comment below some things about you so I can get to know you too! Until next time...

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